Sunday, August 6, 2017

Hello, London--Bonjour, Paris!

We had a hard time naming the new foster kittens, but now we've got some names that seem to fit them.

Meet London, with her fabulous foggy grey coat ...


... and feast your eyes on floofy, glamorous Paris!


They're growing, coming out of their shells, and becoming cuter and sweeter every day.

Yesterday, London had an adventure. When resident foster failure cat Clark Gable came into the kitten room to pay a visit, London dashed out into the hallway, ran up the stairs, politely greeted Ian and Molly and Duncan, got scared when Molly hissed at her, ran under the couch, behind the TV, knocked over various books and pictures, then ran down the hallway, climbed a cat tree, and was finally burritoed in a blanket and brought back downstairs, where she enjoyed a well-deserved lap nap and lots of petting.

London and Paris - almost ready for their forever homes!